Thursday, October 2, 2008

What is going on!

Champion Springs Home Owners your board has been working hard on a number of different projects let me go through them now and I will also talk about what we are in the process of.

1. YARD of the Month - we implemented the yard of the month program and as we tour our neighborhood we have found that we have homeowners that take great pride in the yard and home and inspire others to do more with there homes great job! We are giving a $50 gift card to Home Depot for our winners every month. For the October winner it will be a combination of the yard and HALLOWEEN Decorations that we will award for and the same for December.

2. Newsletter and Stickers - Your newsletter will be going out shortly with information concerning the Community Yard Sale to be on October 25 as well as our Town Hall meeting on the same day. We are doing it on a weekend in the hope we will have a greater attendance then in the past. All current homeowners will be also receiving two sticker for their vehicles that identifies them as Champion Springs residents, this is a voluntary sticker. The stickers are for our neighbors to recognize our vehicles and hopefully show more community spirit.

3. Front Entrance - We have hired a new landscaping company as most of you know and we have had them trim the trees and shrubs clean out the landscaping and add new mulch. We hope find the entrance much more pleasing as we do. We are also looking into replacing the old wood signs that are warping and deteriating with a stucco one to match our rock fence, more to come soon on this.

4. Security - We know there has been a rash of vandals lately egging vehicles and dragging trash in the streets. We have notified both the SA Police and Bexar County Sheriffs office and asked for more patrols. We as you may have noticed installing a security camera system at the front entrance. These cameras are the same ones used to identify license plates from people who run red lights and give us clear clean pictures. We will not be monitoring this cameras unless there is an issue in which we can provide time frames to the police for up to 30 days back. So no Big Brother. We looked at the possiblilty of a front gate and we were approved to have one by the city but when we loooked at cost estimates, maintenance of both the gate and the streets in our community it would cause us to have take in more then double the association dues we currently have. We felt this was not anything we could even get close to a vote on.

5. Park, Pool, Clubhouse, etc. - We know this is the big one everyone is concerned about as well. We have been moving forward with the project and trying to get more and more information as to what we can actually build in the area we are going to be allowed to build into and what is cost effective for the community. No true decision has been made until all the information is in and we have all the cost and variables so we can move forward the right way. We have fired Benny's Pool and Spa's and demanded the return of the $81,500.00 which they were paid a while back(two boards ago) based on the advice of the HOA's attorney's and we will go into much more detail at the Town Hall meeting on this issue and update all on the status.

6. Mission Hills Apartments- We having been speaking with the owner and developer of the apartments going in on Evans road next our community and the Stone Oak Archetictual Committee and they are being very cooperative and we will speak about this issue in detail as well at the Town Hall Meeting or you can contact us directly.

I apologize for the long list but there is a lot going on and I know many of you want to know more and we will go into more detail for you or you may contact us and we will talk with you directly.

Thank you,

Robert Colunga
President- Champion Springs HOA


CJ said...

It is nice to see some positive changes in the neighborhood. I'm not exactly convinced on the entrance security camers. You cannot prove just because an unkown vehicle drove in the night an incident occured that said vehicle committed the offense. Unless you are going to have these cameras monitored at all times, I don't see how it is going to help catch anyone. It might give some deterence though.

As far as the egging and trash throwing goes, I know this can be narrowed down to a few unscrupulous teens living in our neighborhood. As long as parents let their children roam the streets, sometimes until midnight this type of activity will persist. Is there anyway to narrow down the problem areas where incidents have occured and then look at the potential threatening individuals that live in that area? Is there anyway to enforce a curfew? I think you will find a handful of people on each street who have a pretty fair idea of who the trouble makers are in their area. Maybe the parents aren't aware. I'm quite positive they are not involved in the association and do not read the blogs. They do not get egged themselves so they do not know their child is potentially the culprit. I think they need to be made aware. However, until you catch them in the act, it is just speculation.

We were hit last Saturday night, we know who did it. It is the same trouble making child whose parents have always allowed him to roam the streets to any hour he desires.
We will be waiting this weekend. If we catch him/them, we won't have to speculate anymore!

Champion Springs HOA said...

The board is more then happy to work with you and other to put together a game plan to bring this to an end and catch whoever is doing this.

Robert Colunga

winginit said...

We have not had a report from the current board and it sounds like the 82,000 was thrown away. Now security cameras have been added without any notification. Not that security camera are a bad idea but It would have been nice to have some fore warning. I have seen nothing about meetings or expenditures. I had no idea of the loss of 82,000.00. The last thing that I saw was a ballot that asked what we wanted in the rec area. I heard that it was overwhelming against a pool and now I find in spite of the vote against it that it was decided to build a pool after all and money was paid up front with our any recourse. Seems like the meetings are always held when we are out of town and we never get any feed back. I would appreciate some feedback from the meetings especially when I can't attend. I had no idea that you were contemplating a gate. I am extremely glad you did not go with that the cost would have been way to much considering the road maintenance.

Champion Springs HOA said...

winginit we have tried to keep everyone aware of what we are doing on the website. We are planning a meeting here on October 25th. As far as the money concerning the contractor we used to do the pool we are in litigation to retrieve the funds and make us whole. We are doing are very best to keep the homeowners informed if you like please send me your number and name to the email and I will contact you myself.

Robert Colunga
President Champion Springs HOA

gregcorse said...

where is the community meeting going to be held on Oct. 25?

Champion Springs HOA said...

It will be at Legend Rock in the field we are hoping to develop at 5pm on the 25th of this month. You should be recieving the notice today in the mail as well.