Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Champion Springs Yard of the Month

Congratulations to the Herder Family, our
August 2008 Yard of the Month winner (with HOA Pres. Robert Colunga). Even in this difficult time of keeping green grass, much less any grass, we are pleased to announce that our neighbor has kept a consistently well kept lawn and landscape. Of the 408 individual homes in the community our Yard of the Month Committee traversed streets they never knew existed and saw at least a dozen potential winners.

Three homes were selected as the final candidates and the ultimate winner was chosen from those three. The final candidates were: (in no particular order) on Quitman Oak, Mandolin Wind, and Cheyenne Creek.
The winner will receive a Champion Springs Yard of the Month sign for their yard; to be proudly displayed for the duration of their month and a $50 Gift Card to Home Depot, to keep up the good work. Congratulations!

We will be adding names to the Yard of the Month Committee and will take requests from this posting. By submitting your name and email address we will contact you for 1 or more committees we have instituted for the community affairs.

Depending on participation we would like the following committees at this time:
1) Yard of the Month Committee- select candidates and vote

2) Architectural Committee- ACC Requests for home & lawn projects

3) Block Captains- coordinates with neighbors, newsletter distribution, block issues

4) Social Events Coordinator- special holiday events, Halloween, 4th of July, COP Program.

More information to follow.


CJ said...

Congratulations! I have always commented how much I enjoyed your yard. Your family goes all out on Halloween and Christmas also! I am excited to see your consistent hard work rewarded! To the board- Great job putting this program into place. Keep it up! Hopefully it will spur others to get involved and bring this community to the standard where it should be.

btrinkle said...

Congratulations to the Herder Family. Efforts like theirs to keep a great looking yard is good for all of Champion Springs.