Friday, July 25, 2008

Proposed Park Area

Dear Neighbors,
Our General Contractor from Pittman Builders has been hard at work. We have architectural plans being drawn up in anticipation of the final permits and platting from the City of San Antonio. We have instructed them in this pre-construction phase to bring us plans that are designed specifically to incorporate the following:
* all wheelchair accessible
+ video surveillance throughout

1) A Clubhouse that will anchor the property for all Champion Springs HOA business and neighborhood festivities. It will be available to members for party rentals and it will also house the facilities for the neighborhood pool.
2) A Pool built to city standards for our size neighborhood and membership. The pool membership will be voluntary and used only during the normal swim season starting approximately mid-May through mid-September.
3) A Playscape along with the normal playground amenities.
4) A Parking lot that will be on the Hardy Oak Blvd. side with minimal grading that allows for water run-off.
5) Basketball goal on far side of the parking lot.
6) Crushed granite walking paths throughout the park area with picnic tables and grill sites.
7) A man-made bridge to walk over the mandatory drainage run-off.
8) An area designated along Hardy Oak that the city should build as a buffer to traffic.

No previous plans accounted for the Hardy Oak Blvd. with Methodist Hospital Opening in Summer 2009 it will need the auxillary route, mandated by the Unified Development Plan.

The previous plans suggested breaking the project up into multiple Phases. This would not be prudent based on current cost of materials, mobilization of equipment and labor and would balloon with future costs and remobilization and labor again.

In the coming months we will be inviting you to several functions for ground breaking and community informationals. These will be update meetings and future event planning sessions.

Thank you for your suggestions, your confidence and your support,

The Champions Springs HOA Board

Robert, Brian, and Marty


res99 said...

Can someone please explain this plan? Are we now back to a plan that will include a pool into the park. This board should know that in previous HOA meetings the pool option was voted down.

wdb said...

Ditto on the comment by res99.
The pool option was voted down by the majority of the voting homeowners.
Why is the pool being included again?

TC said...

I believe the plan is simple, why did we give this guy $81,000 to do nothing and lose our money. Second it will cost the HOA 2 to 3 times the money to do this in phases. Third they are not looking at raising rates. Four why didn't the previous boards look at this contract and get an attorney to review it before we signed it and were fleeced of our money and are now forced to go through legal means to retrieve the money. Five at least some action is being taken versus sitting on their hands and us having nothing here as far amenities

TC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Champion Springs HOA said...

This post should be positive in nature, and we were hoping not anonymous so that all homeowners can voice their opinion. We may have to delete anonymous postings as we go forward, in an effort to maintain full disclosure.

pwp said...

res99 and wdb, There has never been a vote of homeowners to make a decision about the use of the community property. Homeowners have been surveyed to find out their wishes, but the decision about how to handle community land is and has always been the direct responsibility of the elected board. (This is actually why we have a board. It is not intended to be a group of people to send complaints about our neighbors, their dogs, or parking.)
tc,Although I was previously on the board, I was not involved when a contract was signed with Benny Ortiz. I doubt that the current board can answer your question either since they were not on the board at the time.

This is a new board, and a new manager from ProComm. Please, for the sake of getting something done, let's try to support these guys instead of causing further delay.

Most sincerely,
Porter Palmer

wdb said...

If homeowners thoughts and opinions about decisions regarding their community are not welcome on this site then make it a web page were the HOA Board posts info and forget about having people respond.
My wife and I will support the board in their actions as long as their actions reflect the preferences of the majority of the residents who make the effort to let their preferences be known. pwp is correct in that the survey was not a "vote" but it was a communication of the preferences of the homeowners who made the effort to participate.
We do not understand why the board is not following the results of the survey of the homeowners preferences.

Doyle and Terri Barnett

Unknown said...

Congratulations to our new board for taking positive action.!!
All those intended on obstructing the actions of this new board for long awaited improvments on our community, please refrain from action. If some of you do not desire a park, stay at home. If others do not desire a pool, you do not have to use it.


CBA said...

A pool with optional membership seems to be a happy medium...those want it can use it...and enjoy it. Others can walk on by. I believe it will positively affect property values...especially with Hardy Oak coming up on the neighborhood now....let's just finally get something productive done.

Jaime Heye said...

The concern regarding the pool is that all homeowners will have a legal liability whether they choose to use it or not. At the meeting where this was discussed the majority of the homeowners present did not want this liabilty or the cost that will eventually be required of all for up keep. We have seen other neighborhoods have to extend their memberships to outsiders to pay for the maint. of the pool.

Unknown said...

While I'm very excited for any progress to be made & will support the board, the previous lack of popularity of a pool is a little concerning. Has anyone done any research to conclude how many people in the neighborhood would be interested if they had to pay extra to use the pool? It's quite another thing than to simply vote for a presumably free pool in a survey (which didn't even have 50% support in last year's survey).

And, quite frankly, if everyone's $ is being used to build or maintain this thing, (& I doubt you can build it w/o the $ we've all been paying for years nor can you guarantee that it will be maintained solely by the opt-ins) I don't see how you can have exclusive membership.

And a note about the voting or not voting for a the 2007 annual meeting, those in attendance did actually pass a motion to stop the pool once they learned the board had entered into a contract.

Champion Springs HOA said...

The Board has spent an exhaustive amount of our time to ensure we have amenities that are cost effective, functional, enjoyable and that will increase the value of our community. The main purpose of the HOA is to work to ensure the value of homes increases and we create a safe community that is desirable for other prospective home buyers. This board wishes to create a true community which many feel we have not had as we have been talking to our fellow neighbors. Our ultimate goal is to create a community that cares about each other and works together to ensure we have a safe and bright future in our little piece of the world for our families.

Unknown said...

I am sure I am in the minority, but I am ecstatic to read that the complete community park is back on the plan without a phased approach. I think the consideration of future costs is appropriate and fiscally responsible. I think the steps that you all have taken with reviewing contracts, legal mediation and just the thoughtful, detail-oriented approach is what we have been needing for a long time. Thanks to the new board!
- Lana Harris

nikita007 said...

The idea to have a pool was voted down. People's reasons vary. But the bottom line is that the majority of homeowners in our neighborhood decided that they did not want a pool. Deciding what is "best" for the neighborhood is not the position that the board was elected to. The position was to be a representative of the homeowners in decision making. This is a major difference. When you are not representing the will of the people who put you into the position, then you are acting on your own thoughts and beliefs. If you wish to foster a "community that cares about each other and works together to ensure we have a safe and bright future in our little piece of the world for our families" as was stated in your post, then be certain that you are giving the voice of the community a reason to care and not feel like
we have been railroaded in to something we explicitly voted against. Phases were only mentioned for the purpose of not locking us down by the existing makeup of homeowners. But the exisiting makeup of homeowners at this time DOES NOT WANT A POOL. Should the homeowners change their mind, then phasing is appropriate. It is not about having a pool in the is about having the possibiltiy of different homewoners with different desires. Please represent the will of the people.....or the people will find new representation.

clark said...

i am glad for the progress and i was told from the start that a park was part of the deal... our community needs these amenities to stay competitive in this market place a pool and park will at least keep us on par with other neighboring communities.. the last survey was not technically sound anyway...

clark said...

it is about time... get on with the pool & park i was told this community would have ammenties 5 years ago