Friday, November 14, 2008

Letter from Mission Hills Apt. Developer

Here is the response to questions we asked the developer after the Town Hall Meeting.

From: Kurt Goll
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 5:30 PM
To: Robert F. Colunga
Subject: Mission Hills Site Plan

In regards to your questions about our site plan and location of buildings I wanted to offer the following comments.
The closest apartment building to the West property line is 35 ft. Regardless of what is being excavated or staked the building is 35ft from the property line. The building you have referred to which parallels this property line is a two story building. The previous site plan showed this building as a three story but it is now a two story. This has been submitted and approved by the Stone Oak ARC. There are a few parking or drive areas that fall closer than 35ft. All exterior building and site/ parking lighting will be a low level lighting scheme that meets the newly adopted Bexar County Dark Sky Ordinance. We also have two other buildings that we have put two story ends on. The ends of these buildings are not directly adjacent to the property line but since they faced the houses there we made them two story anyway. It is our intention to provide a landscaping buffer between between the two story building and its neighbors in the form of Monterey Oaks (6) on top of a landscape berm. We also intend to replace anyone’s open fence with a solid fence if desired or a row of native shrubbery (Privet, Sage, or similar) in the event they wish to keep their open fence. You will also note that the areas currently left natural will remain so and all cleared open areas will be revegitated to a native state where possible.
I hope this answers your questions and if you would like any more clarification please let me know.
Kurt David Goll
President, Residential Development

Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Halloween!