Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Stop the Yard Sale ?

It is appears there has been a flurry of response to the Yard Sale request for this weekend.
Most have responded to the email account with a suggestion to move it to past the start of the school year and a cooler period like September, or the agreed upon October timeframe.

If it appears the weather will not cooperate with us, as well, then we will postpone to September.
Thank you to those of you who replied to the poll. We appreciate your input.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Friendly Reminder and Personal Apology

We are scheduled for a September 4, 2008 meeting with the Attorneys and the Mediator for our lawsuit against Benny's Pools. It is binding mediation and we are encouraged about the opportunity to get back that which was the homeowners to begin with.

We gave away the 1st Champion Springs Yard of the Month and the $50 Home Depot card to the winner, by using the $60 we were paying Procomm for their website.

We personally aplogize, to those individuals who have taken a personal offense to the most recent update, and our fellow neighbors. This was not the intent of the response. None of us are perfect and all of us are trying.

Thanks for your patience, and our sincere apology once again.

Please lend a helping hand.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Neighborhood Yard Sale!

We've been approached by at least a 1/2 dozen neighbors about holding a neighborhood yard sale. We are currently contacting the city about authorizing it for the August 23, 2008 timeframe.

Each participant must register and the fee is $17 per permit. The board would like to purchase the permits on behalf of all the interested parties. You must register with us so that we can send in the paperwork.

Please email the board at championsprings@gmail.com if you are interested in participating.
P.S. also tell your neighbors and pass the word around so we can continue to get current email addresses and keep the News Vine going.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Safety First Program - Coming Soon!

To our Fellow Neighbors;
The board has been working on some ideas with other associations, police, and local government officials. We have seen recently an increase in crime in our neighborhood. We have had people who have had their vehicles broken into, egging and vandalism as well as an increase in garbage in our community areas. We are looking at implementing the following programs to help curb these issues.
1. COP Program: The Cellular on Patrol program is compiled of persons in our neighborhood who have taken training through the police department and given access to our local police officers so we are more observant of what goes on in our community. Signs will be placed in our neighborhood to let people know we are part of the COP Program. Please contact the board if you wish to help out.

2. The board as part of the safety program is looking at implementing a community vehicle ID system. This would entail two vehicle stickers per household for current HOA members. This is to allow everyone in our community to easily identify vehicles that belong in our neighborhood and would assist local police as to vehicles who are out of place in our neighborhood. If additional stickers are needed they would be available at a small fee. More information to come!

3. We are currently looking at putting IP Video Cameras at our entrance to the community to help in the security of the neighborhood. This may be a more cost effective strategy then putting in a gate system as it would cost more and there would be more maintenance and we would then become responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of our streets. If this is implemented we would also include this monitoring system in the community areas such as the park and parking lot, along with signage notifying others that they are under video surveillance!

Based on the input we have received from a variety of reliable sources the board feels these measures will go a long way to help prevent future incidents. Please any constructive input is welcome as well as volunteers to help keep our community stay safe.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Champion Springs Yard of the Month

Congratulations to the Herder Family, our
August 2008 Yard of the Month winner (with HOA Pres. Robert Colunga). Even in this difficult time of keeping green grass, much less any grass, we are pleased to announce that our neighbor has kept a consistently well kept lawn and landscape. Of the 408 individual homes in the community our Yard of the Month Committee traversed streets they never knew existed and saw at least a dozen potential winners.

Three homes were selected as the final candidates and the ultimate winner was chosen from those three. The final candidates were: (in no particular order) on Quitman Oak, Mandolin Wind, and Cheyenne Creek.
The winner will receive a Champion Springs Yard of the Month sign for their yard; to be proudly displayed for the duration of their month and a $50 Gift Card to Home Depot, to keep up the good work. Congratulations!

We will be adding names to the Yard of the Month Committee and will take requests from this posting. By submitting your name and email address we will contact you for 1 or more committees we have instituted for the community affairs.

Depending on participation we would like the following committees at this time:
1) Yard of the Month Committee- select candidates and vote

2) Architectural Committee- ACC Requests for home & lawn projects

3) Block Captains- coordinates with neighbors, newsletter distribution, block issues

4) Social Events Coordinator- special holiday events, Halloween, 4th of July, COP Program.

More information to follow.