Monday, October 5, 2009

Almost There

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holiday Cheer

Friday, November 14, 2008

Letter from Mission Hills Apt. Developer

Here is the response to questions we asked the developer after the Town Hall Meeting.

From: Kurt Goll
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 5:30 PM
To: Robert F. Colunga
Subject: Mission Hills Site Plan

In regards to your questions about our site plan and location of buildings I wanted to offer the following comments.
The closest apartment building to the West property line is 35 ft. Regardless of what is being excavated or staked the building is 35ft from the property line. The building you have referred to which parallels this property line is a two story building. The previous site plan showed this building as a three story but it is now a two story. This has been submitted and approved by the Stone Oak ARC. There are a few parking or drive areas that fall closer than 35ft. All exterior building and site/ parking lighting will be a low level lighting scheme that meets the newly adopted Bexar County Dark Sky Ordinance. We also have two other buildings that we have put two story ends on. The ends of these buildings are not directly adjacent to the property line but since they faced the houses there we made them two story anyway. It is our intention to provide a landscaping buffer between between the two story building and its neighbors in the form of Monterey Oaks (6) on top of a landscape berm. We also intend to replace anyone’s open fence with a solid fence if desired or a row of native shrubbery (Privet, Sage, or similar) in the event they wish to keep their open fence. You will also note that the areas currently left natural will remain so and all cleared open areas will be revegitated to a native state where possible.
I hope this answers your questions and if you would like any more clarification please let me know.
Kurt David Goll
President, Residential Development

Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What is going on!

Champion Springs Home Owners your board has been working hard on a number of different projects let me go through them now and I will also talk about what we are in the process of.

1. YARD of the Month - we implemented the yard of the month program and as we tour our neighborhood we have found that we have homeowners that take great pride in the yard and home and inspire others to do more with there homes great job! We are giving a $50 gift card to Home Depot for our winners every month. For the October winner it will be a combination of the yard and HALLOWEEN Decorations that we will award for and the same for December.

2. Newsletter and Stickers - Your newsletter will be going out shortly with information concerning the Community Yard Sale to be on October 25 as well as our Town Hall meeting on the same day. We are doing it on a weekend in the hope we will have a greater attendance then in the past. All current homeowners will be also receiving two sticker for their vehicles that identifies them as Champion Springs residents, this is a voluntary sticker. The stickers are for our neighbors to recognize our vehicles and hopefully show more community spirit.

3. Front Entrance - We have hired a new landscaping company as most of you know and we have had them trim the trees and shrubs clean out the landscaping and add new mulch. We hope find the entrance much more pleasing as we do. We are also looking into replacing the old wood signs that are warping and deteriating with a stucco one to match our rock fence, more to come soon on this.

4. Security - We know there has been a rash of vandals lately egging vehicles and dragging trash in the streets. We have notified both the SA Police and Bexar County Sheriffs office and asked for more patrols. We as you may have noticed installing a security camera system at the front entrance. These cameras are the same ones used to identify license plates from people who run red lights and give us clear clean pictures. We will not be monitoring this cameras unless there is an issue in which we can provide time frames to the police for up to 30 days back. So no Big Brother. We looked at the possiblilty of a front gate and we were approved to have one by the city but when we loooked at cost estimates, maintenance of both the gate and the streets in our community it would cause us to have take in more then double the association dues we currently have. We felt this was not anything we could even get close to a vote on.

5. Park, Pool, Clubhouse, etc. - We know this is the big one everyone is concerned about as well. We have been moving forward with the project and trying to get more and more information as to what we can actually build in the area we are going to be allowed to build into and what is cost effective for the community. No true decision has been made until all the information is in and we have all the cost and variables so we can move forward the right way. We have fired Benny's Pool and Spa's and demanded the return of the $81,500.00 which they were paid a while back(two boards ago) based on the advice of the HOA's attorney's and we will go into much more detail at the Town Hall meeting on this issue and update all on the status.

6. Mission Hills Apartments- We having been speaking with the owner and developer of the apartments going in on Evans road next our community and the Stone Oak Archetictual Committee and they are being very cooperative and we will speak about this issue in detail as well at the Town Hall Meeting or you can contact us directly.

I apologize for the long list but there is a lot going on and I know many of you want to know more and we will go into more detail for you or you may contact us and we will talk with you directly.

Thank you,

Robert Colunga
President- Champion Springs HOA

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Stop the Yard Sale ?

It is appears there has been a flurry of response to the Yard Sale request for this weekend.
Most have responded to the email account with a suggestion to move it to past the start of the school year and a cooler period like September, or the agreed upon October timeframe.

If it appears the weather will not cooperate with us, as well, then we will postpone to September.
Thank you to those of you who replied to the poll. We appreciate your input.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Friendly Reminder and Personal Apology

We are scheduled for a September 4, 2008 meeting with the Attorneys and the Mediator for our lawsuit against Benny's Pools. It is binding mediation and we are encouraged about the opportunity to get back that which was the homeowners to begin with.

We gave away the 1st Champion Springs Yard of the Month and the $50 Home Depot card to the winner, by using the $60 we were paying Procomm for their website.

We personally aplogize, to those individuals who have taken a personal offense to the most recent update, and our fellow neighbors. This was not the intent of the response. None of us are perfect and all of us are trying.

Thanks for your patience, and our sincere apology once again.

Please lend a helping hand.